Tuesday 14 December 2010


People have been asking me for more information about this project so here goes.

The project grew out of a discussion on twitter about the nature of artistic collaborations, were they good or bad, what were the pitfalls and benefits.

A similar discussion was taking place as to the value of the arts, particularly at this time of deep cuts in funding.

I was also endeavouring to entertain my 3 year old daughter by helping her make tissue paper butterflies.

And so the project was born.

I want collaborators to physically make something, and then post that to me. I would then receive something that the collaborators had handled, had actually made, something that exists in the real world.

(at the time of writing this is now the third draft of this post as the previous ones disappeared into the ether thanks to who knows what computer glitch)

I wanted something that would not take up too much of peoples time and could be made with readily available materials.

The tissue paper butterflies are fragile and care had to be taken in handling them.

The subject of the piece ‘What do you think good art is?’ will encourage a wide range of responses and I believe each collaborator will have a different, yet equally valuable, opinion.

Care has to be taken when writing, or drawing, on the butterflies reflecting the care each collaborator has for the subject. That care will be reflected in the care I will have to take with each butterfly when I receive it.

Everybody will be collaborating equally.

Every butterfly will be in the final piece.

The final piece will be displayed in public.

Every collaborator will be invited to see the finished piece.

I hope that answers some of the questions and I am always happy to answer more.

Monday 13 December 2010

Tuesday 7 December 2010


Today I received the first butterfly. A big thank you to V Mulford

Wednesday 1 December 2010


So to recap - the butterfleis can be of any size - though most people, I believe, would keep them to about 5 to 6 inch.

I would like you to think about what you believe good art to be, that could be an example of good art or what you think it can achieve.

A quick John Cage butterfly


Top tip,

Don't leave butterflies on the window too long or they are difficult to get off when frozen.

I had to lick mine - (not recommended)


Day 3 into this project and a brief update on the project for anybody new;

The Idea

I am building a piece of work gathering contributions from around the world.
I would like you to send me a butterfly cut out of tissue paper.
On that butterfly I would like you to write down the answer to the question - "What do you think good art is?"
The size of the butterfly is up to you.
The style of writing is up to you.
You can draw your answers if you wish.
The butterflies will become an open public exhibition.
I would welcome your comments and thank you in advance.
Please send butterflies to;
First experiments on frozen window
Tony Wade, Faceless Company, Unit E, Trinity Business Park, Wakefield WF2 8EE UK